
10 tips to share content: “LinkedIn content strategy”


We continue today as promised, on the topic of how to improve personal branding using the tools that LinkedIn makes available. Here are the things you have learned if you read the two previous articles: – how to fill out your profile properly and thoroughly – actions to take every day to enlarge your network of […]

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Mini-guide to curate and increase contacts on LinkedIn


To those who have minimal familiarity with the English language, the name LinkedIn suggests connection, bonding, and building relationships. Yet many consider it only as a place in which to look for work or a platform made ​​for employers looking for staff. I often even hear people (the majority) who find it boring. We will address one concept at a […]

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Learn what to do after you have defined your personal brand


In this digital world, what is one of the first actions that you make when you want to know something if not to look for the definition on Wikipedia? This platform with an exotic name has become the most authoritative and official definition offered by the web, has been translated into almost all languages ​​of the […]

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